
Broccoli: Boon to the Cancer patients with Low Calories, Also for Vegans

Broccoli: Boon to the Cancer patients with Low Calories, Also for Vegans

Brocolli (rich in antioxidants) contains Floate, fight against the high risk of melanoma, oesophageal, breasts, colon, mouth, stomach, pancreatic, cervical cancer as well as prostate cancer. It is called as a "Beauty Food" because it helps in improving the complexion and hair (due to the presence of Vitamin A and Vitamin E) and lowers body weight. Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen, which slows down the aging process and formation of wrinkles.

Also cures diabetes and heart disease. Other vegetables include Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Turnips, Kale and Cauliflower that have the same properties as broccoli. It also contains Vitamin C (increases immunity) and Vitamin K (responsible for Calcium absorption) which prevents breaking of bones.   

The high fiber content reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and other gastrointestinal problems. Its detoxifying property removes body toxins through bile and stool. It maintains a healthy digestive system, reduces constipation.

Broccoli: Boon to the Cancer patients with Low Calories, Also for Vegans