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Dementia Reduced by 50% with intake of Orange Fruit and it Protect the Brain Cells

Dementia Reduced by 50% with intake of Orange Fruit and it Protect the Brain Cells

Orange is a citrus fruit with botanical name Rutaceae sinensis with high Vitamin C content.  It is rich in antioxidants and thus protects the brain cells from damage due to aging.  Researchers were keeping a record of 28,000 men for twenty years of the fruits and vegetable intake influence their brain activity.  The participants were from Harvard University, who answered the questionnaires about their intake every four hours. 

 The study says that the men who drank a cup of juice were 47% improved in their memory.  There are nearly 47 million people who are suffering from dementia in the world, five million in U.S.  The lead study author Changzheng Yuan said long-term intake of this juice results in remarkable cognitive function including memory, attention, and reasoning.  

It reduces the formation of unwanted molecules, which results in good blood supply to the brain.  Research conducted in November 2017 concludes that aerobic exercised such as walking and running prevents shrinkage of the brain and dementia. 

In Alzheimer's disease, Hippocampus responsible for human memory is the first portion which gets affected.  Doing healthy exercises results in the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which helps to prevent damage in the brain and maintain the brain health. 

Dementia Reduced by 50% with intake of Orange Fruit and it Protect the Brain Cells