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Glucose and Oxygen Level of the Blood can be monitored using Medtronic Sensors: Health Titbits

Glucose and Oxygen Level of the Blood can be monitored using Medtronic Sensors: Health Titbits

A tiny glucose-sensing device called a "sensor" is inserted just under the skin (subcutaneous tissue). It's very similar to the insertion of an insulin pump catheter. Sensors are typically inserted in the upper buttock area.

The sensor measures the level of glucose in the interstitial fluid (fluid surrounding the cell) every 10 seconds and changes it into an electrical signal. The signal represents the amount of sugar in the blood. It sends a signal to an insulin pump or a pager-sized device called a "monitor" that you attach to a belt or the waistline of your pants.  The system automatically records an average glucose value every 5 minutes for up to 72 hours.  Results of several fingerstick blood glucose readings taken with your glucose meter at different times each day are entered into the monitor for calibration.  After 3 days, the sensor is removed and the information stored in the CGM is downloaded into a computer. You and your diabetes educator can then review your glucose levels in relation to the other data collected and make any necessary adjustments in your diabetes management plan. The information will be presented as graphs or charts that can help reveal patterns of glucose fluctuations.

Medtronic sensors are recently used to monitor the Oxygen Level in the blood as it helps the doctors to guess the Healing Time of the wound.  It is monitored 24 hours. LEDs are used and the ultraviolet rays are passed on the parts of the body where the skin is partially transparent like fingertips. Medtronic is a global leader when it comes to innovative thinking and boon to the medical field.

Glucose and Oxygen Level of the Blood can be monitored using Medtronic Sensors: Health Titbits