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Tooth Pain and gum disease: Natural Home Remedies to Prevent Plague

Tooth Pain and gum disease: Natural Home Remedies to Prevent Plague

Tooth not only helps to give good shape and beauty to the face but gives a clear audible speech and good pronunciation. A person without teeth,  cannot speak properly.  It gives confidence to a human.  It helps to chew food and most of the breakdown of the food particles occur in the oral cavity which helps indirectly for digestion. The tastes buds become active during the mastication process and thus helps to taste the food better.


The Tooth Enamel is the strong outer covering of the tooth. When bacteria penetrates this tough layer, then it can reach the root of the teeth easily, which causes unbearable pain in tooth. This bacteria may also cause inflamed gums or gum disease, which leads to bleeding gums. Before it reaches the tooth, this bacteria can be eliminated by simple home remedies. Apply a drop of clove oil to your tooth paste and brush your teeth to remove any microbial bacteria present.

Tooth decay can occur at any age-children, teens and adults. Plague is a sticky film of bacteria when you chocolates, biscuits, candies. This bacteria produces acids that attack the tooth enamel and breaks the enamel making it easy for the bacteria to enter. Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide rinse, or coconut oil swishing will help. Clove oil is the perfect remedy.

Other preventive measures are brushing of the teeth both before and after bed with fluoride tooth pastes. Avoiding sweets, sugary substances, cool drinks, biscuits especially before your sleep becos the activity of the bacteria will be heightened during the sleeping hours. Even if you happen to take any of these items, swish with coconut oil or warm salt water as this stops bacterial activity instantly. Eating of health foods including Calcium helps to make the teeth stronger. Use of dental floss regularly removes the particles between teeth.

The most common bacteria associated with dental cavities are the mutans streptococci, most prominently Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, and lactobacilli. Inserting an earbud in clove oil and applying directly on the teeth. This removes the bacterial infection abruptly and get relieved of your toothache immediately.

Tooth Pain and gum disease: Natural Home Remedies to Prevent Plague