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Breakthrough Listen Started A New 1500 Hours Survey To Find Aliens

Breakthrough Listen Started A New 1500 Hours Survey To Find Aliens

Breakthrough Listen is a private initiative that started by Mark Zuckerberg and Stefen Hawkings and a Russian Businessman Yuri Milnur in 2016. But the objective of the initiative is quite common that to find the extraterrestrial life. 

The initiative used the Perkes Radio Telescope that homed in Australia and observed some peculiar things like Fast Radio Bursts(FRB), a distant star bilps, probed a long cigar-like interstellar astroid named Oumuamua that visited our solar system and a first repeated FRB that reached the earth with high frequency from the distance of 3 billion light years. Now the initiative just got a boot up to plunge into a faster observation for extraterrestrial life. 

Previously the Listen is considered as the biggest space research program mainly started for the finding a beyond earth intelligent civilization. The Breakthrough Listen initially had the capacity of observing only the particular point of the milky way but the founders had made an update with the main hardware of that project to increase its capacity to observe the densest and the darkest area of the galactic center of our galaxy. 

The initiative used to observe the character of more than one million stars of our own galaxy. Now the initiative took a step forward with a new multibeam receiver to observe a precise date from the extraterrestrial life. The new hardware has uplifted the capacity of its recorders and processors of the Listen initiative. Now the initiative moves up with the ability to process the observed deep space data by 130 GBs/sec for nearly 1500 hours that will end up in the collection of petabytes of space data.

Till now the initiative had not collected any peculiar data that certainly confirms that existence of alien life anywhere in the universe. But it seems that the situation won't be that same again.

Danny Price, the project scientist of the Listen initiative believes that this new updates will help to collect unprecedented deep space raw data from the stars and other space objects. that all those data will be saved and utilized for the search of an intelligent civilization other than the Earth.

Who are we? where are we? are we alone in the wide universe?  these are some important question of mankind that is still unsettled for centuries. NASA, Space X, ESA and many and many space agencies, astrophysicists across the world are still baffling to find some answers to those question. Actually, the question evolved as a quest of entire human civilization on earth. If Breakthrough Listen supposed to give a little clue for those answers then it would be a great breakthrough of the earth's intelligent civilization


Breakthrough Listen Started A New 1500 Hours Survey To Find Aliens