
Sex Will Be No More In Future Reproduction Process

 Sex Will Be No More In Future Reproduction Process

Sex Will Be No More In Future Reproduction Process

Professor Henry T, Greely from Stanford university envisions that sex will be possibly eradicated in near future approximately within 20 or 40 years soon after this new technique gets implemented.

In the world of Increasing, infertility scientists like Amender Clark are proposing new techniques to resolve the infertile problem with disease-free babies and some short of perfect babies.  

Amender Clark of UCLA molecular biology institute is currently working on a project known as in vitro gametogenesis(ivg) that involves in converting skin cells into eggs and sperms.   

Now Henry T Greely came up with a vision to explain the above project that one can choose their future baby by what that would be like and how would they like. He said that the technique is probably giving a lot of choice to the infertile couple to choose an embryo to place in the womb. He also cleared that even a same-sex couple can also get a baby that completely related to them through this ivg. This process is more like PGD but a kind of easy thing he said.

According to Greely's concept, with the help female skin cell, a lot of egg cells can be produced and that result in nearly 100 embryos when combined with the sperm cell of a male. From that formed embryos, Scientists could decode their genetic susceptibilities of disease in future and they can also analyze the embryo's pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. The couple can choose an embryo from the decoded embryos to implant in the womb.

This type of decoding and selecting perfect embryos will reduce the fatal consequences of genetic diseases in future. However, this technique will take some more time to make hit future human reproduction as this technique just worked only with sample mice far now. Dr. Clark says that if this process seems effective and safe to humans it will probably minimize the infertility rate in future.

Greely said that kids of current generation may get gained from this technique but this may also be subjected to exploitation by any means. For an example, a famous person's DNA can also be used without their knowledge using this technique. Human DNA can shed down wherever it wants to be even in a cup of coffee, saliva, sweet, hair fall etc... Those things can be collected and utilized in a wrong way to get a perfect baby or a comical style superhuman baby. 

Sex Will Be No More In Future Reproduction Process