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France To Develop Messaging App Counter To WhatsApp And Telegram

France To Develop Messaging App Counter To WhatsApp And Telegram Imagecredit: Twitter @telegram @WhatsApp

After the most discussed Facebook issue of Cambridge Analytica scandal, many European and American nations have raised a question of data security in communication and network related aspects. 

As an initiative, the French Government is under the process of developing its own messenger service rival to Facebook-owned WhatsApp to wipe out the doubts and fears of tracking and hacking the conversions among the higher officials by outsiders. The decision is taken because no messenger apps are France based and also France do not need an encrypted messaging service from USA or Russia on this occasion. The announcement has been officially made by the digital ministry of French Government on Monday.

According to recent reports from digital ministry, a French-origin app developer has designed a new app using a free-to-use code on the internet and it has been tested by officials of French Government currently and it will be made available to all the French citizens soon but neither the name of code nor app has been revealed.

In 2017 Presidential election campaign, the incumbent president Emmanuel Macron used Russia based Telegram app that had been used by the government higher officials for communicating to each other. Even the President himself was fond of Telegram app but due to security concerns at the start of 2018, the French Security firm Thales blocked the use of Telegram or WhatsApp. The decision was taken by France following the refusal of Telegram company for not synchronising to the order of Russian officials regarding the security of users' secret messages.

Since both Facebook and Whatsapp are designed based on end-to-end encryption, they ensure the data is secured between the communicating users from one end to another. Now, France also wants to develop a similar messaging app without any leak or spying risks.

France To Develop Messaging App Counter To WhatsApp And Telegram