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Tsunami alert in Caribbean: Massive Earthquake strikes Venezuela and Trinidad

Massive Earthquake strikes Venezuela and Trinidad , Pic Credit - @iamnsm1 Twitter

The Southern parts of the Caribbean along with the nations Venezuela and Trinidad faced heavy earthquakes on Tuesday evening which recorded a magnitude of 7.3. The U.S Geological Survey issued the report and also a warning of a possible Tsunami alert in the Caribbean region. The epicentre of the earthquake is said to be around the northwest coast of Trinidad.

According to reports, no human casualties were found so far and a lot of damages were caused due to this quake. This is one worst earthquake the nation has faced after the one which took place during 1997 with 6.9 magnitudes and caused more than 85 deaths in the Cariaco region.

The depth of the earthquake was reported to be 76 miles. The power in Trinidad and Tobago is out and no phone connections either after the quake that caused more building damages. The states Boliver, Delta Amacuro, Carabobo, Sucre and some more regions felt earthquake of 6.3 magnitudes while the people of coastal regions were advised to stay safe and alert in the coming days.

The whole nation hung up for a moment and all the regular works stuck for a long time. People rushed out of the buildings after feeling the earthquakes. Social media was filled with the photos and videos of the disaster-damaged areas around the nation.

Tsunami alert in Caribbean: Massive Earthquake strikes Venezuela and Trinidad