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Unemployed Americans Regain their Jobs, Says President Trump for Immigration News

Unemployed Americans Regain their Jobs, Says President Trump for Immigration News

President Trump said on Tuesday, April 21, that the executive order of stopping immigrants for applying green cards will be signed Wednesday, April 23. He says that it is to provide the millions of American youth with jobs. But his critics say that already the state department had stopped processing all visas due to coronavirus and may continue until the 60 days that Trump has set for the green card ban.

Trump's Monday late-night tweet of banning immigrants shocked many people in the world. As it is only said to help the GREAT Americans without any specifications, there were full rumors of it on Tuesday. Later in the day, Trump has confirmed that the executive order is now being written and will be signed tomorrow, Wednesday, April 23. 

It will ban all immigrations for green card holders for the next sixty days only, and there is no bar on temporary employees. President Trump also said that at the end of the sixty days, there will be a review on the order and would be decided then whether to continue it or not.

Trump hailed his order by saying yesterday that it will get all Americans back to work, and it is one of the best moves that the president could make. As usual, his supporters were all over the media hailing the order to be historical, legal, and a much-needed one. But his critics say it is racist, illegal, and xenophobic. Many think that Trump is more involved in raising the anti-immigration flames than in saving lives.

Trump's tweet on the immigrant ban on Monday without specifics, and his clarification of it to be only for green cards and that too for only 60 days on Tuesday and it being to be signed on Wednesday is all at the worst COVID 19 times for America. The death toll has crossed 46,00, and the infected cases are more than 820,000 now.  It is nearly one-third of the total world infected cases of 250,000+.  And every day there is only a rise in the cases, and there seems to be no reduction of it.

President Trump, who is criticized for late waking up to the corona crisis, has made in recent weeks more than a dozen changes in the immigration system.  The pandemic is said to be the cause, but it is to cut off immigration to the country mostly.  All visa offices remain closed for one month now, and refugee resettlement is on hold, even children arrested at the border are immediately removed and many others. 

While the focus of the government is to set up measures to stop losing precious lives, the talk is focused on immigration, which is never going to happen in the next few months with coronavirus playing havoc not only in America but also worldwide.

Unemployed Americans Regain their Jobs, Says President Trump for Immigration News