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Another Battle Against Deadly Ebola Virus in Central Africa

Another Battle Against Deadly Ebola Virus in Central Africa

According to the World Health Organization, this Congo's outbreak is to be A sad toll and second largest in history after the deadly West African outbreak that killed more than 11,000 thousand people just a few years ago, from 2014 to 2016. The number of cases has reached 426, which includes 379 confirmed, 47 probable cases, and 242 deaths. Uganda's outbreak that took place in the year 2000 had killed 224. 

The workers had to combat with a rebel local group and facing serious challenges of hatred and hostility with gunfire almost every day and victory to some extent achieved only with the help of U.N. peacekeepers. They hope that this would take more than six months to control this outbreak even though about 40,000 people have res the received the vaccination for Ebola.

Red Zones cannot be approached easily because of the constant fighting locals and this delay their efforts to control them.  Every day they have to face different challenges and complex problems, which they were not able to guess.  Michelle Gayer from emergency health shows his concerns that the local threats would increase the number in a short period of time because of their noncooperation. 

WHO had raised its concern over the high number of infected newborns to be 36, on a statement on Thursday.  Congo's Health Ministry ensures safe burial practices to control the spread of Ebola. On Thursday, a group of youths stole the body of an Ebola victim and returned to their family, which in turn can spread the disease to the relatives and friends. 

More awareness about the spread of Ebola should be taught in the Northeastern Congo, as this is the first time for them to face this outbreak and to prevent the uneducated locals to cooperate more with the Selfless Workers. 

Another Battle Against Deadly Ebola Virus in Central Africa