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Ebola Virus Outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri of Congo, Africa

Ebola Virus Outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri of Congo, Africa

EVD-The Ebola virus disease had an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that includes North Kivu and Ituri province. In this EVD cases, 19 deaths have been confirmed.  A total of 205 deaths were recorded from a total of 14 health zones namely  Beni (153), Mabalako (73), Butembo (34), Kalunguta (9), Masereka (4), Vuhovi (3), Oicha (2), Kyondo (2), Komanda (1), Musienene (1) and Mutwanga (1) in North Kivu Province; and Mandima (9) and Tchomia (2) in Ituri Province.

On 10th November 2018, out of 97 victims, 37 deaths were confirmed of Ebola. Mainly affected places of the epidemic were Beni and Butembo that reports 65% and 20% of the total confirmed cases of 99. 

Two new selfless health workers were affected on November 9,  2018, that brings the total number of health workers affected to 30, with 29 confirmed and three deceased. With a total of 329 confirmed cases, recently the event has become the largest EVD epidemic in the country�s history, outnumbering the first outbreak that occurred in Yambuku in 1976, during which 318 confirmed cases were reported. However, the death toll of 205 is still lower than the 250 deaths that occurred in Yambuku in the past

Spread of the disease and the increased fatal rate results in the public concern on how to prevent them.  The ministry of health should take the matter seriously and the preventive vaccinations should be implemented in primary health care centers immediately. Also, public and travelers should be aware of the current situation through the mass media. Training of health workers had to be conducted across the world to create public awareness in rural areas.

Ebola Virus Outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri of Congo, Africa