
Human Body becomes Resistant to Antibiotics with Continuous Dosage: Health Warning

Human Body becomes Resistant to Antibiotics with Continuous Dosage: Health Warning

The resistance of antibiotics to infections will lead the lives of the world to doom. Reducing the usage of antibiotics in the modern world is the need of the hour.   

In the year 2013,  there was nearly 12,250 resistant disease-producing microorganism present, which was raised to 16,509 in 2017. This data may rise after a few decades, leading to the modern scientific world to pre-scientific primitive world in the medical field. PHE�s medical director Professor Paul Cosford shows his concerns over this critical condition that would rise in the near future.   

In surgeries including Caesarian section, Knee replacements or hip surgeries, antibiotics play a vital role in healing the wounds but on contrary to this, imagine what happens if the antibiotics never work on surgical incision (a condition when healing becomes difficult )and the wounds becoming the breeding ground for bacteria with pus. 

Gonorrhea, sexually transmitted disease had become resistant to antibiotic worldwide and rendered as untreatable disease.  The prolonged use of any type of drug will make the drug ineffective in the specific ill condition. 

The viral infections such as chicken pox, smallpox, flu and the common cold are viral infections that do not need antibiotics and plenty of fluids and rest will improve the condition by itself in course of time.  But even for this type of viral infections, people prefer to take bacterial antibiotics thinking that it would improve their symptoms. This is a wrong notion since viral infections cannot be cured by bacterial antibiotics. Unless immediate steps are taken immediately, the life of certain people will be at risk.

Human Body becomes Resistant to Antibiotics with Continuous Dosage: Health Warning