
Earthquake in Western Turkey Registered Magnitude 4.5

Turkey Earthquake. Image Source : @LastQuake

Turkey Earthquake. Image Source : @LastQuake

Turkey is a seismically active area collision between European plate and both African and Arabian Plates. The last earthquake happened in 2017 on Marmara region with a registered magnitude of 5.5.  

Earthquake data Provided by Volcano Discovery 

Date & Time: Thu, 20 Dec 06:34:24 UTC 

Hypocenter depth: 5.0 km 

Magnitude (Richter scale): 4.5

The residents of Turkey reports that "Woke up to bed shaking. Continued for 6 seconds or so. I felt it,  I was lying in my bed in an apartment in Cihangir (450 meters from Taksim Square) when I felt a forceful swaying side to side. As I’m new in the building I wondered for a second if it could be what happens when someone has slammed a door in the building but it was too strong and a few seconds too much to be that. Also, I lived in Tokyo and experienced many earthquakes." 

Earthquake in Western Turkey Registered Magnitude 4.5