Insulin Injection Shortage Get Worse with Increase of Type 2 Diabetes
Uma (Author) Published Date : Nov 22, 2018 13:57 ISTHealth News
Globally China, India and the US with the highest population are more prone to diabetes 2 due to the obesity and the sedentary work lifestyle. The present level of insulin production is indirectly proportional to the growing need of the globe. The cost is one of the main reason as the price of insulin had already tripled between 2002 and 2013. Major insulin has been manufactured in pharmaceutical companies and the continual rise in price has raised human concerns. The Federal Government interfered in the matter as there are public outrages and for the reasons that some lawmakers are drawing the attention of the federal government.
Though few lifestyle changes, changing the diet and some natural foods aid to lower blood sugar level, the need for insulin have not come down but rather the need increasing more than the production. People�s fight to the insurance company to pay for more or the drug manufactures to decrease the price has been growing day by day. At present more than 400 million people are affected by diabetes globally and there is an environment prevailing that it would increase in the upcoming years.
The normal blood sugar level of the human body is 120 mg/dl. Too high or too low blood sugar level is a deadly threat to humans. The untreated person affected by diabetes were affected by the deterioration of heart, kidney, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, stroke, and the major complication is that these high sugar level patients cannot undergo surgery because the healing of a surgical wound is slow and complicated. Moreover, the high sugar level in the blood affects the nerves and lead to poor blood circulation, which slows down the skin repair.
The limited production of insulin affects Africa and Asia, in spite of UN�s high commitment to treat this non-communicable disease. The federal government initiatives should be increased to control this disease in all the possible ways.
Insulin Injection Shortage Get Worse with Increase of Type 2 Diabetes
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